
This is a log of my efforts to get into beekeeping

First of all, the reason I started this project is that I needed a large amount of high quality honey for my other experiments. A bit of research made me understand that high quality honey is hard to come by these days, and when you manage to find it, it is prohibitively expensive. I decided that if I want good honey, I would have to make it myself.

The complicated part is that even though I moved out of a large city in the wake of Covid, I still live in a rented apartment, and there is no way the building management would let me put a beehive on my balcony. Fortunately, it looks like there is no shortage of farmers/landowners who would be happy to let you put a hive on their property for the promise of a fraction of honey. At least this is how things are in Santa Rosa, CA - all it took me was one post on a local subreddit, and I got several invites in no time. The plan is to put one hive a little south of Santa Rosa, and one a little bit to the north.

Entry 1. Preparations

Entry 2. Bee Management

Entry 3. Honey processing